Sunday, June 21, 2020

How to Ace Your University Re-Submission

How to Ace a Re-Submission Writing a 1st standard dissertation or essay may be challenging, especially when you don’t have any experience in academic writing. Frequently, student papers are returned with extensive comments from the tutor and the request to re-submit the assignment, which may cause serious stress and frustration. Here are the 5 tips that can assist you in acing such re-submissions. Maintain a positive outlook Having to do extra work during the busy exams period may be highly inconvenient. However, consider it a unique opportunity to improve your course grades. You have already spent at least one full semester studying this particular subject. This second chance allows you to maximise the outputs way beyond your current level, which may be highly valuable for your academic progression. Avoid the easy path Many students take the ‘grade rubbing’ approach to re-submissions. They try to quickly patch some obvious issues and re-submit the work as soon as possible. This method may produce highly adverse reactions from your tutor who spent a substantial period of time revising your work to provide valuable criticisms. Your tutor probably expects to see a radical improvement in the quality of the re-submitted work rather than a ‘Band-Aid’ fix. Identify the scope of the problem In some cases, the scope of the requested changes is minor. Effectively, you are given a chance to slightly improve your grade by implementing additional recommendations or proof-reading assignment more thoroughly. In other situations, re-writing the original work may be more effective. It is of utmost importance to properly appraise the situation with your assignment as soon as possible in order to allocate substantial time for revisions in your schedule. Set clear priorities If you have limited time and resources, it is important to set clear priorities. Address the main criticisms first and leave minor issues such as grammar, proof-reading, or referencing for the final phase. Make sure that you have allocated extra time for force-majeure circumstances such as the necessity to ask for additional instructions from your tutor, the need to acquire some rare sources, or to acquaint yourself with new theories and frameworks. Never start your work without a clear plan with properly set priorities. Know your limits There is nothing more frustrating than investing time and effort into the work that does not bring any improvements. If you feel that you are uncertain regarding any changes suggested by your tutor, it is always better to double-check the details prior to re-submission. If this form of guidance is unavailable or insufficient, it may be a good idea to consult professional writing agencies. You can get additional recommendations on how to improve your work as well as the general awareness of your sphere of interest. We hope that this guidance will allow you to improve your academic results when re-submitting your work and achieve the highest grade. You can also check our tips on how to upgrade the standard of your work if you received a 2:1.

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