Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Wireless Communication The Changing Technology

Question: Describe about the Report for Wireless Communication of The Changing Technology. Answer: Introduction With the changing technology, there is a need to handle the patient mobility with the rapid growth of the wireless technology and applications in health care. For example, the heart failure patients use the interactive health system for the support with the less time in hospital. This improves the quality of life with the decrease of about 68% people in the heart failure related hospitalisations. The wireless technology has been able to enable the hospitals with a streamlined communication in order to access information from patient along with monitoring the devices with appropriate test results and radiology. (Johnston et al., 2015). The analytics study has claimed the primary interfacing medical equipment for the electronic medical record is to create the data chart for reducing the medical errors with the improved data analytics. The wireless technologies such as RFID, Bluetooth, WiGig/WirelessHD, WLAN, WPAN, and satellite networks have been used in the several applications for wireless communications between doctors, patients, visitors, medical staff, admin staff, and vendors. The wireless networks in hospitals have no authentication mechanism. Hence, the control is based on the attached wired Ethernet network. There is a use of the different application areas like the WLAN, Personal Area Network and telepresence to hold the wireless applications in hospitals. Through the use of wireless technology, there have been benefits related to the improvement in patient care and safety along with streamlines communication and reduced costs patterns. Wireless Roll-Outs The hospitals have been working on taking opportunities to employee the access with the range of mobile cards based on computer entry order. With the mobility setup, there is a need to work on the increased productivity along with the regulations of driving adoption by caring patient. As per the objectives, there have been information technology which works on improvement of the quality with the reduced medical errors. (Arnon, 2015). The WLAN technology works on improving the care and safety with reduced operational costs. Medical Device Connectivity/Mobile Carts The mobile carts are used in the hospital for handling medical equipment. The data obtained is based on using the different types of medical devices (i.e., electrocardiograph (ECG), interactive infusion pump, cardiac output monitor, defibrillator, etc.). Nurse spent a lot in gathering the data along with monitoring the status of the patient with correct amount of dosage. The connection of medical device includes the pumps and the sign monitors to a network with increased productivity and care. Hospitals have been using the wireless devices (i.e., smart phones, iPad, Tablets, wireless headphones, etc), and other desktop/laptop computers. (Ding et al., 2015). the connections of the medical devices include the sign monitor to the network of hospital for a greater productivity. As per the analysis, there have been documentation based on handling the network monitoring equipment which will help in setting the IT infrastructure along with enabling the records of the patient. This gives doctors appropriate access to the real time information. The technology needs to work on the automated tasks which are available today. The transition in the market and the connectivity could be used in voice for recording the applications. Handheld devices The doctors and the nurses are able to work on the tablet device with appropriate input to access the medical data results. This allows the patient data to handle the EHR reports. The clipboard of nurse is replaced by kindle which has an electronic pen for a personalised recognition handwriting. This tool has helps in proper drug interactions and the medication process. Through the use of devices, the doctor will be able to minimise the mistakes of choices of medication errors and their procedures. This is only possible through Internet and Intranet accessing in the hospital. The bar code scanning for the medications has been fuelled with the wireless communication networks which includes the meds electronically along with using the real-time reporting alerts for the allergy and the other interactions of drugs. (Yun et al., 2015). The system has been designed on handling the treatment in the automated dispensing machine around the hospital to allow the doctors for the ordering of lab tests and the CT scans. Location Based Services The feature is known as RFID which is used by the biomedical and the clinical engineers to locate the equipment with the reduced leasing costs to find devices which have been unused. RFID has been used to locate the equipment where the hospitals could be easily reduced the cost of leasing depending upon the closets. The Wi-Fi adoption has been based on the RTLS and WLAN deployments as per the current research. In certain cases, the hospitals have been implementing the location based services through the Bluetooth or Zigbee Mesh as they are accurate to handle the location based positioning and tracking of all the powerful equipment. The major reason for the implementation is to locate and handle the assets to improve the patient and the safety of the staff. (Misra et al., 2015). Voice over IP The hospitals have been equipped with the care givers to administer the pager systems. The major reason for this is the lack in the communication which needs the medical practitioners. The voice over IP works on easy communication through mobile phones. It is easy to response to the different departments with voice over the IP boasts. The sharing of the devices is based on the log-in credentials of the individual. (Yun et al., 2015). The internet and the intranet access is important where WLAN can provide the same with advancements in the tablets, netbooks and the cell phones. This also include the information of the patient, history of the patient and the other details for the drug interactions. Reference Misra, S., Mahapatro, J., Mahadevappa, M., Islam, N. (2015). Random room mobility model and extra-wireless body area network communication in hospital buildings.IET Networks,4(1), 54-64. Yun, L., Niknejad, A., Sattiraju, V., Magar, S. (2015).U.S. Patent No. 9,019,934. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 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